Tender Training Event - Aberdeen City Council, Aberdeenshire Council & Highland Council Employability Services - Employability Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS)
05 December 2022
Takes place Wednesday 7 December 2022, 11:00am-1:00pm
Could your business provide Employability Services to Aberdeen City, Aberdeenshire and Highland Councils?
The Shared Procurement Service at Aberdeen City Council, Aberdeenshire Council and Highland Council, in partnership with the Supplier Development Programme, is hosting this webinar, to inform interested suppliers about its Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for Employability Services.
Representatives from the Shared Procurement Service will be in attendance to provide insight into the contract, including the different Lots. During the session, one of SDP's expert trainers will provide a live overview of the contract including how to find the contract notice within Public Contract Scotland (PCS) and Public Contracts Scotland Tender (PCS-T), how to access the tender documents, as well as highlight the key areas expected to be covered in a bid.
The DPS will be divided into nine Lots, the Lots are as follows:
- Lot 1 - Pre-stage 1 & Stage 2
- Lot 2 - Stage 2
- Lot 3 - Stage 3
- Lot 4 - Stage 4
- Lot 5 - Stage 5
- Lot 6 - Personal Development
- Lot 7 - Health/Disability/Recovery
- Lot 8 - Community/Grass Roots
- Lot 9 - Miscellaneous/Innovation
Suppliers in and around Aberdeen City, Aberdeenshire and Highland Council areas are welcome to attend this free, event but must register a place in advance.
Book for this event by following the link below.