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Employability support services

Whether you are a person seeking work or you are an employer, find out more about employability services delivered across the country.

PACE Redundancy Support Service

PACE offers free and impartial advice and is available to all individuals affected by redundancy, no matter the size of the business nor how many employees are involved.

Redundancy Support Unemployed Adults Employers

Individuals and businesses facing redundancy
Delivered By:
Skills Development Scotland (SDS) in conjunction with a number of other partner organisations including the Department for Work and Pensions and local authorities.

Parental Employability Support Fund

The fund provides personalised support for parents who face barriers to progressing their careers, including help to gain qualifications, improving skills or work experience, money advice, and motivational support.

Employment Support Training & Work Experience Unemployed Adults Young People Parents

Lone parents, parents with disabilities, young parents age 25 years and less, minority ethnic families, families with a disabled child, families with 3 or more children, families where the youngest child is under 1 year
Delivered By:
Scottish Government and Local Authorities

Business Support

Find the business support you need, including help and advice for those affected by the coronavirus pandemic.

Recruitment Support Employers Employment Support

Businesses of all sizes – from small start-ups to larger, well-established companies
Delivered By:
Scottish Government and public sector organisations

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We share the latest employability news and updates via our regular e-bulletin

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