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Apprenticeships are a fundamental part of the Young Person’s Guarantee and Scotland’s economic recovery, providing critical skills for the future.

For individuals

Click on the subheadings to find out more.

Foundation Apprenticeships

Foundation Apprenticeships are work-based learning opportunities for senior-phase pupils. Predominantly, a two-year programme, pupils typically begin their FA in S5.  Young people spend time out of school at college, with learning providers or with a local employer and complete the Foundation Apprenticeship alongside their other subjects.

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Modern Apprenticeships

Modern Apprenticeships provide individuals with the opportunity to secure industry-recognised qualifications while earning a wage. It offers people aged 16 and over the opportunity of paid employment, combined with training at different levels and the chance to learn on the job to get the experience they need. A Modern Apprentice could be a new employee or an existing employee seeking to increase their capability.

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Graduate Apprenticeships

Graduate Apprenticeships provide work-based learning opportunities up to Master’s degree level for new and existing employees. They have been created in partnership with industry and the further and higher education sector. Employees can equip themselves with higher levels of academic learning and industry accreditation, which helps them progress as professionals. By investing in their staff through the Graduate Apprenticeships, employers can develop their workforce and support staff to enhance their skills to industry and professional standards. The apprenticeships combine academic knowledge with skills development to enable participants to become more effective and productive in the workplace.

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Pathway Apprenticeships

Pathway Apprenticeships are a work and training placement to help those who have recently left school or are currently unemployed and not in receipt of benefits, to prepare for entering the world of work. You could gain a qualification and increase the number of opportunities made available to you through the Apprenticeship routes.

As part of the Pathway Apprenticeship, you will gain knowledge, skills and experience through completion of practical activities, which could be through an industry project or work placement. The Pathway Apprenticeships run for up to 26 weeks or can be extended to 52 weeks for those who are care experience or disabled.

As part of the Pathway Apprenticeship, you will receive £100 as a weekly allowance and exit the programme with a qualification and experience of the world of work.

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For employers

Click on the subheadings to find out more.

Foundation Apprenticeships

Foundation Apprenticeships are work-based learning opportunities for senior-phase secondary school pupils, which are typically a two-year programme for pupils between S3 – S6. There are various levels for work-based learning qualifications, available in levels 4, 5 and 6. The frameworks available for these qualifications have been developed for Scotland’s top 15 growth sectors.

There is no direct cost to employers when offering a Foundation Apprenticeship placement within your organisation.

This route provides employers with access to future talent, by providing senior phase pupils with real experience within the world of work, helping to develop employers future talent within the organisation and allow organisations to grow their business with the skills needed in that area.

Click here for further information on industry frameworks and how to get involved.

Modern Apprenticeships

Modern Apprenticeships allows businesses to build a skilled workforce to meet their business needs and for the Modern Apprentice to gain an industry-recognised qualification. Modern Apprenticeships are open to those aged 16 and over, which can include upskilling your existing employees. The apprenticeship can attract fresh talent into the organisation, while developing the workforce of the future.

There are over 80 Modern Apprenticeship frameworks available in Scotland. Each framework will tell you who the apprenticeship is suitable for and what’s involved.

For Modern Apprenticeships, Skills Development Scotland contribute towards the cost of training and assessing apprentices. The total amount paid depends on the type of apprenticeship, the qualification level and the age of the apprentice. For those who are disabled and care-experienced, there's an enhanced funding contribution up to and including age 29. 

The contribution paid towards apprenticeships can either be paid to the learning provider who will deliver the training to the apprentices, or directly to you as the employer.

Click here for further information on funding for Modern Apprenticeships.

Graduate Apprenticeships

Graduate Apprenticeships offer a high level of academic and industry accreditation, while providing employees with experience in the workplace for new or existing employees.

Graduate Apprenticeships are fully funded for the training element up to Honours or Master’s degree level, ensuring your business has the specific skills needed for the future. Those undertaking a Graduate Apprenticeship will typically spend 80% of their time in the workplace and the further 20% engaging in further training or learning.

Click here for further information on frameworks available and funding for Graduate Apprenticeships.

Adopt an Apprentice

Adopt an Apprentice is a financial incentive for employers to take on an apprentice who has been made redundant, to help them complete their Modern or Graduate Apprenticeships. This incentive is available within all sectors and would provide employers with £5000 for employing a redundant apprentice, to help cover wages and recruitment costs.

Click here for further information on Adopt an Apprentice and the programme rules. 

Pathway Apprenticeships

Pathway Apprenticeships are training opportunities available for those who have left school or are currently unemployed to help them prepare for the world of work. Pathway apprenticeships would provide employers with a work placement for up to 26 weeks, this can be extended to 52 weeks for those who are care experienced or disabled. On completion of the Pathway Apprenticeship, people will be ready to enter the world of work through a Modern or Graduate Apprenticeship and provides businesses with early emerging talent.

Click here to discuss further information on Pathway Apprenticeships with Skills Development Scotland.

For employers

Any business looking to engage with apprenticeship programmes can get advice from Skills Development Scotland (SDS). You can contact SDS with any queries by completing the contact form.

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