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Career Information, Advice and Guidance

My World of Work is Scotland’s career information and advice website – an innovative and exciting digital service for the people of Scotland.

My World of Work

My World of Work provides career information and advice for primary school pupils, secondary school pupils, students, teachers, parents, those that are employed/unemployed and partners.

The site is designed to support people to develop their career management skills, regardless of what stage they are at in their career.

SDS has recently introduced a dedicated web service for adults seeking to change careers at Take control of your career | My World of Work.

Key functionality of the site includes:

  • A range of digital tools to help people identify their skills, strengths and understand their personality – the more tools that someone completes the more personalised the service becomes
  • A personal account where they can access their profile, complete their skills experience and save key information and milestones to their dashboard – it also has a bespoke ‘to do list’ for secondary school pupils
  • The site has a comprehensive course search which provides information on university, college and private course provision. In April 2021 there were over 19,000 courses listed
  • The site provides job listings – allowing people to search for job opportunities and a CV tool to help people create a CV and apply for vacancies
  • SDS supports secondary school pupils in making their subject choices with an interactive tool that helps young people understand where their subjects could take them
  • The site helps people to explore a whole range of different careers with more than 600 job profiles with up-to-date labour market information including details on routes into careers and average salary information
  • The site also has articles and resources to support people with interviews, changing career, networking, building confidence and more.

Visit My World of Work

Young Person's Guarantee and the Career Review

As part of the Scottish Government’s Young Person’s Guarantee, in Sandy Begbie’s Youth Guarantee - No-one Left Behind: Initial Report, SDS are leading on a collaborative, system-wide review to bring together the views and experiences of young people, parents, employers, teachers as well as experts from across the system.

The aim of the Career Review is to provide recommendations for the future of Scotland’s all age service to support people’s career development and maximise the benefit from services in the post-pandemic global economy. The review will explore the journey from early years to first transitions to employment and will then make recommendations that will take forward the implementation of Scotland's Careers Strategy: Moving Forward.

Further information relating to the Career Review and Career Information, Advice and Guidance can be found on SDS’s website at:

Career Review | Skills Development Scotland

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