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No One Left Behind

No One Left Behind is our approach to transforming employment support in Scotland. It has a crucial role in achieving our vision for economic transformation and tackling child poverty; and aims to deliver a system that is more tailored and responsive to the needs of people of all ages who want help and support on their journey towards, into and in work - particularly people with health conditions, disabled people and others who are disadvantaged in the labour market.

No One Left Behind is designed to help people prepare for employment, training, education and/or volunteering. Through No One Left Behind, we will deliver an approach to employability that is flexible, person-centred, and integrated and aligned with other key services including health, justice, housing provision and advice services.

Support is offered to individuals regardless of age or background. This includes people with a disability, people with convictions, care-experienced young people, single parents, minority ethnic people, and people living in the most deprived areas in Scotland. This ensures maximum reach and enhances the experience of users facing structural inequalities in the labour market, supporting them to achieve their career aspirations and enter fair sustainable work.

They will:

• Receive support from an Employability Key Worker, and work on an individual plan to help the individual to reach their goals.
• The agreement could include activities specifically designed to prepare participants for progression, such as taster sessions at college, time with training providers, mentoring, peer mentoring opportunities and innovative group projects.

You can find out more and find contact details for your Local Authority here.


We are:

  • Helping people into fair, sustainable jobs which is central to delivering many of the ambitions in Scotland around inclusive growth, tackling child poverty and public health reform.
  • Applying the No One Left Behind principles which underpin the approach: 
    • Dignity and respect, fairness and equality, and continuous improvement
    • Provides flexible and person-centred support
    • Is straightforward for people to navigate
    • Integrated and aligned with other services
    • Provides pathways into sustainable and fair work
    • Driven by evidence including data and experience of others
    • Support more people to move into the right job at the right time
  • Working to simplify the employability system for service users by moving to a local governance model for employability services that fosters that crucial join up between the key services that we know people need to access.
  • Building on the strengths of existing national and local services, to better align funding and to improve the integration of employability services with other support to ensure that services are designed and delivered around the needs and aspirations of those using our services.
  • Ensuring the approach is not about designing new programmes, but instead, reforming the system to be more adaptable and responsive to meet the needs of people and to adapt more quickly to rapidly changing labour markets.

Related pages

Local Authority Employability Services

Find out key contact details, local services, case studies, employability related information and more.

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Local authority partnership information, including Partnerships Lead contact details for your area.

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No One Left Behind - Policy

Find out more about the policy background to No One Left Behind, including key documents and publications.

No One Left Behind

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