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Our Future Now

Our Future Now is Inspiring Scotland’s fund aimed specifically at supporting young people into education, employment or training.


The successor fund to 14:19, Our Future Now builds on a 10-year track record in helping to reduce youth unemployment, working with 12 high performing and high potential charities active across 24 geographical areas.

These charities support young people in their communities and schools, at home, and in their workplaces.

Our Future Now Employability Programme

Learn more by clicking on the subheadings to the right.

Legal Context

Sections 2, 8 and 10 of the Employment and Training Act 1973 provide Scottish Ministers with the powers to support training opportunities to help people gain the skills they need to move into work.

Objectives of the Programme

The Our Future Now programme has been developed by Inspiring Scotland to provide holistic support to young people, aged 16 to 25, to help them gain the confidence and experience needed to move into further training, attend college or university, undertake an apprenticeship, or to find sustainable employment.

Inspiring Scotland utilises the grant funding they receive from Scottish Government, as well as additional funding provided from philanthropic sources, to support 12 Ventures (charities) who, in turn, work with disadvantaged young people from a range of backgrounds to provide individual person-centred employability support.

Programme Funding

In 2021-22, the Scottish Government has awarded grant funding of £2.414 million to Inspiring Scotland to provide employability support to around 3,800 young people through the Ventures in the Our Future Now portfolio.  Of this funding, £514,000 is aimed specifically at employability support for 16-17 year olds in Scotland.

The eligible costs for use of grant funding for Our Future Now include: costs directly related to supporting the network of Ventures, including operational and development costs. As part of the grant funding agreement, Inspiring Scotland must meet the Scottish Government’s investment by providing 100% match funding from other sources.

Engagement with Employers

One of the key success areas in moving young people to a positive destination in the Our Future Now portfolio is the commitment of the Ventures to engage strategically with employers. This engagement ensures that potential work opportunities are identified ahead of the normal recruitment process. The trusted relationships Ventures have built with local employers have been key during the pandemic when the number of job vacancies decreased nationally.


The impact of Our Future Now will be evidenced by hard and soft outcomes. Hard outcomes include the numbers of young people progressing into positive destinations, such as further training and employment. Soft outcomes are also measurable and include the achievement and development of skills such as self-confidence, team working and communication. Ventures must also ensure that young people can access financial awareness training, where appropriate, as part of their ongoing support.


Inspiring Scotland provides quarterly reports to Scottish Government detailing the progress of the programme. Case studies are also submitted throughout the year showing where the greatest impact has been achieved in improving employability and transitions into positive destinations

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