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Parental Employability Support Fund (PESF)

Child Poverty remains a priority. The Parental Employability Support Fund (PESF) is collaboratively managed by Scottish and Local Government, providing dedicated support for low‑income families.


PESF offers support to:

  • Lone Parents
  • Parents with disabilities
  • Young parents age 25 years and less
  • Minority ethnic families
  • Families with a disabled child
  • Families with 3 or more children
  • Families where the youngest child is under 1 year

Taking a holistic Key Worker approach parents are supported to upskill and/or re-train, increasing family income, lifting themselves and their families out of poverty.

The fund will provide personalised support for parents who face barriers to progressing their careers, including help to gain qualifications, improving skills or work experience; money advice, and motivational support.

You can read more about the Scottish Government's plan to eradicate child poverty by clicking on the following link: Every child, every chance: tackling child poverty delivery plan 2018-2022 - (

Contact your local employability lead to find out more.

Additional help and support is available at


Parent Club: How your local employment service can help you find a job

If you're thinking about looking for work or changing your job and don't know where to start, your local authority can help.

Find out how Phillip and Seonaid were helped to find work, and how your local employment service can support you too.

Find out more about the help and support available at 

Find out more about Parental Employability Support Fund

No One Left Behind

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