Local employability services
Find out about local employability support where you live, including single point of contact details for all age services, key contact details, employability related information and more.
Select an area from the list below to find out more.
- Aberdeen
- Aberdeenshire
- Angus
- Argyll & Bute
- Clackmannanshire
- Dumfries & Galloway
- Dundee City
- East Ayrshire
- East Dunbartonshire
- East Lothian
- East Renfrewshire
- Edinburgh City
- Eilean Siar
- Falkirk
- Fife
- Glasgow
- Highland
- Inverclyde
- Lesley Testing Area
- Midlothian
- Moray
- North Ayrshire
- North Lanarkshire
- Orkney Islands
- Perth & Kinross
- Renfrewshire
- Scottish Borders
- Shetland Islands
- South Ayrshire
- South Lanarkshire
- Stirling
- West Dunbartonshire
- West Lothian