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Adult Social Care Recruitment Campaign

16 November 2021

On November 8th 2021, the Scottish Government launched its third phase of a national recruitment campaign ‘There’s More to Care than Caring’, aimed at recruiting frontline workers into adult social care (ASC). The campaign aims to inspire people to think about pursuing a career in adult social care — roles that are especially important to Scotland’s recovery. Covid-19 increased the recruitment pressures in ASC, in particular for frontline workers, and some vacancies are becoming harder to fill. This campaign is in response to these pressures and aims to attract new recruits into ASC, in particular in care homes, care at home and housing support.

Employability services such as Fair Start Scotland and No One Left Behind can play an important role in supporting individuals into a career in adult social care. One Fair Start Scotland participant explained how the service helped support them into work at a care home:

“I went to Fair Start Scotland after caring for my father for 15 years, who had to go into full-time care. I was depressed, run down and couldn’t sleep. The people at Fair Start Scotland gave me help and advice. I received counselling which was a great source of help to me. They really cared and helped me with my well-being. I am now working in a care home, my confidence is back and I feel better than I have in a long time. Even with the dark times we are in now I have moved on in a positive way thanks to the great work that they do.” – Fair Start Scotland participant

You can find out more about the campaign, including good news stories and resources for partners, here.

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