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No One Left Behind & The Young Person’s Guarantee Continuous Improvement Toolkit

26 October 2021

The No One Left Behind & Young Person’s Guarantee Continuous Improvement Toolkit is designed to support those delivering employability services in Scotland to continuously improve what they do, and the experiences and outcomes of their service users.


The toolkit is split into three sections: Planning Improvements, Making Improvements, and Sharing Improvements. Each section contains useful tools teams can use at different stages in their improvement journey.


This toolkit reflects the 3-Step Improvement Framework for Scotland’s Public Services. It is designed to support and strengthen, rather than replace existing improvement practice.


The toolkit has been developed by a short life working group which included representation from Scottish Government, local authorities, third sector and Skills Development Scotland.


This toolkit refers to a ‘self-evaluation survey’ designed to support services to identify their strengths and weaknesses.  This survey will be based on the service standards currently in development and will be published at the same time.


You can access the toolkit here

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