Scotland's Devolved Employment Services: Statistical Summary published – 05 February 2025
05 February 2025
The latest statistics were published on 05 February 2025 and demonstrate the continued impact of devolved employability provision in Scotland in supporting people of all ages who want help and support on their journey towards and into work.
There were 143,983 starts on either Fair Start Scotland or No One Left Behind since April 2018 up to September 2024.
Official statistics in development for No One Left Behind show that 73,470 people started receiving support from April 2019 to September 2024.
Of the 73,470 people receiving support through No One Left Behind services, 22,782 have entered employment, with 29,182 people also achieving other positive outcomes, such as entering higher or further education, gaining a qualification, starting work experience, re-engaging with school or volunteering.
There have been 70,513 starts to FSS since April 2018, including 6,999 re-joins which has been possible since April 2021.
Overall, there have been 26,565 job starts since FSS launched.
The full publications can be found below