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The Senior Leaders Group

The Senior Leaders Group working closely with partners in Local Government, the third and private sectors, Skills Development Scotland, Department for Work and Pensions and others to build on the strengths of existing national and local services, to better align funding and to improve the integration of employability services.


The Employability - Senior Leaders Group has been established to demonstrate collective leadership, provide advice and constructive challenge to the actions arising from the Employability - CV-19 Response - Operational Group in response to the impact of CV-19 on the labour market in Scotland.

Key to our response is the existing Scottish and Local Government Partnership Working Agreement for Employability and shared commitment to work with partners through No One Left Behind.  The group will champion a partnership approach, supporting ongoing dialogue with a range of service providers, employers, local partnerships and national agencies.  We recognise the vital role that a range of organisations across the employability landscape play, and are committed to protecting a diverse range of provision and ensuring that the right support is put into place for those who rely on these services.  This includes working closely with partners in Local Government, the third and private sectors, Skills Development Scotland, Department for Work and Pensions and others to build on the strengths of existing national and local services, to better align funding and to improve the integration of employability services with other support to ensure that services are designed and delivered around the needs and aspirations of those using our services.

The group met for the first time on Thursday 27 August 2020.  Minutes of meetings, including terms of reference can be found in the Resource for Partners section.

Meeting Notes and Publications

Further information on the group is available in the Resources for Partner section.

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We share the latest employability news and updates via our regular e-bulletin

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