November 2014 2014
The Smith Agreement
Recommendations for further powers for the Scottish Parliament
July 2015 2015
Employability Support: A Discussion Paper
The recommendations from the Smith Commission in 2014 set the context for devolution of further powers including for employment provision. The consultation document ‘Employability Support: A discussion paper’ set the design and contracting of the replacement programmes in the wider context of employability support in Scotland. This focuses attention on how the replacement services could be better integrated into the wider employability landscape, for the benefit of both individuals and employers, and stresses the intention to create a coherent ‘Scottish Approach’ to employability support.
December 2015 2015
Creating a Fairer Scotland: Employability Support Analysis of consultation responses
Analysis and key messages of Consultation responses.
March 2016 2016
Creating a Fairer Scotland: A New Future for Employability Support in Scotland
Vision for the future of employability services in Scotland.
May 2016 2016
2016 Scotland Act
Sets out amendments to the Scotland Act 1998 and devolves further powers to Scotland. The legislation is based on recommendations given by the report of the Smith Commission in late 2014.
December 2016 2016
A Fairer Scotland for Disabled People: delivery plan
Delivery Plan to 2021 for the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
April 2017 2017
Work First Scotland & Work Able Scotland
These services provide transitional arrangements from April 2017 by providing up to 12 months of support, helping up to 4,800 people with health conditions and disabilities into work.
These services are now closed.
Scotland's devolved employment services: statistical summary (published 29 May 2019) sets out statistics on both services.
March 2018 2018
No One Left Behind: Next Steps for the Integration and Alignment of Employability Support in Scotland
Having a more joined up and straightforward employability system is essential to help more people access the support they need and develop the new skills they require to find secure and sustainable work.
April 2018 2018
Fair Start Scotland
The first fully devolved employment support service provides a tailored, flexible and person-centred support to people who want help to find work, and stay in work.
Participation is voluntary, meaning people may take part without affecting their existing benefits.
Dec 2018 2018
No One Left Behind – Review of Employability Services
The findings and actions resulting from a review of employability services in the period since March 2018.
Dec 2018 2018
A Fairer Scotland for Disabled People: employment action plan
This document outlines the action Scottish Government will take to meet its ambition to at least halve the disability employment gap in Scotland.
Dec 2018 2018
Scottish and Local Government Partnership Working Agreement on Employability
Agreement signed by Scottish Ministers and COSLA leaders in December 2018, signals a commitment to:
- a collaborative approach between the two levels of Government in Scotland; collaborative leadership across all our partners and a culture change in how we design, deliver and fund services.
April 2019 2019
No One Left Behind – Service Transition
Transition of Activity Agreements (AA) and Scottish Employer Recruitment Incentive (SERI) into the No One Left Behind model.
September 2019 2019
No One Left Behind – Equality Impact Assessment
The Scottish Government wants to ensure we have the right support in place for people making their first steps into the labour market; for disabled people and other equality groups experiencing disadvantage in the labour market; and for workers who need a second chance to find and sustain work. We believe that delivering this agenda is vital to ensure a more diverse and inclusive workforce.
February 2020 2020
Scottish And Local Government - Employability Action Plan
The framework for how we will facilitate the changes with the right levels of national leadership and local action.
July 2020 2020
Fair Start Scotland Extension
FSS contracts are extended for a further period of two years.
September 2020 2020
Publication: Strategy/Plan
Young Person's Guarantee Initial Report
The Scottish Government is committed to supporting young people transition successfully into the labour market and recognise the challenges that they will face a result of the COVID-19 crisis. This ambitious plan from Sandy Begbie set out the commitment to ensuring that no young person is left behind.
Nov 2020 2020
No One Left Behind Delivery Plan
The No One Left Behind Delivery Plan outlines the next phase of work setting out key actions to ensure we realise our ambition for more effective and joined-up support across Scotland.
Nov 2020 2020
Publication: Strategy/Plan
Young Person's Guarantee – Phase 1: activity plan
This Young Person's Guarantee activity plan will be updated at regular points to account for progress made and future activity to be prioritised as part of the Guarantee.
July 2021 2021
Publication: Progress Report
Young Person's Guarantee - implementation: progress report
Report highlighting the progress made against the initial recommendations contained within the Youth Guarantee - No-one Left Behind: initial report, as well as outlining the next steps against the commitments made in the supporting activity plan.
April 2022 2022
Employability Shared Measurement Framework
Publication of the first iteration of the Shared Measurement Framework, a key commitment made in the 2018 Review of Employability Services. This Framework establishes a shared understanding of how we measure the impact of employability services for the people and areas they aim to support.