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Workplace Equality

The Scottish Government is committed to addressing long standing barriers in the labour market so that everyone - irrespective of gender, race or disability - has the opportunity to fulfil their potential and improve Scotland's economic performance as a result.

Workplace Equality Fund

The Workplace Equality Fund was originally set up in 2018 to address long standing barriers in the labour market so that everyone - irrespective of gender, race or disability - has the opportunity to fulfil their potential and improve Scotland's economic performance as a result. Our previous Workplace Equality Fund 2018/19 resulted in 22 projects receiving funding totalling £750,000.

We encouraged applications that focused on overcoming long standing and systemic issues with recruitment practices and progression in the workplace, particularly in relation to addressing inequalities faced by minority ethnic people, women, disabled people and older workers.

In 2019/2020, the Workplace Equality Fund continued to focus on supporting minority ethnic people, women, disabled people and older workers, and also supported women transitioning though the menopause, victims of domestic abuse, and workers who are experiencing social isolation and loneliness (such as unpaid carers).

In 2020/21, these funds offered immediate support to equality groups in the current Covid-19 environment and ensure that work to promote and embed workplace equality continues so that equality groups are not further disadvantaged in the labour market as a result of the effects of Covid-19.

Please note that the application period for the Workplace Equality Fund 20/21 closed at midnight on Wednesday 2nd December. We will no longer be accepting any applications for funding.


The table below lists the projects being funded under the Workplace Equality Fund 2020/21

Projects Funded Under the Workplace Equality Fund 20/21


Name of Project

Geographical Location

Equality Group


CEMVO Enterprises CIC


Ethnic Minority Workforce Development Project


Minority Ethnic workers



West of Scotland Regional Equality Council (WSREC)

E-POW (Equality Performance Observed in the Workplace)

West of Scotland

Minority Ethnic workers




Centrestage Communities Ltd




East Ayrshire and Ayrshire


Older workers (those aged 50 and over); Disabled Workers; Women; Workers experiencing social isolation and loneliness; Workers who have experienced or suffered domestic abuse; Workers from an SIMD area



Women's Enterprise Scotland


WES Digital Leaders



Minority Ethnic workers; Older workers (those aged 50 and over); Women; Workers from a rural area



PATH (Scotland)


Positive Moves in Health and Employment


Minority Ethnic workers




Age Scotland


Age-Inclusive Workplaces Engagement Media


Older workers (those aged 50 and over)




Intercultural Youth Scotland


Restless Natives Employer Support



Minority Ethnic workers; Women; Workers experiencing social isolation and loneliness; Workers who have experienced or suffered domestic abuse; Workers from an SIMD area



Scottish Union of Supported Employment

Inclusive Workplace 2021



Disabled Workers




Deaf Action


Deaf Action Employability



Older workers (those aged 50 and over); Disabled Workers; Workers experiencing social isolation and loneliness; Workers from a rural area; Workers from an SIMD area



Construction Scotland Innovation Centre





Minority Ethnic workers; Disabled Workers; Women; Workers from a rural area; Workers from an SIMD area



Inclusion Scotland


Unlocking 'Employerability' in the Private Sector


Disabled Workers




Glasgow Centre for Inclusive Living


Developing Best Practice with Positive Attitudes


Disabled Workers






*This figure includes £1,300 additional funding to allow the opportunity to provide additional training due to oversubscription of original training programme.


Further Support for Workplace Equality

The following table provides an overview of additional projects supporting Workplace Equality:


Name of Project

Geographical Location

Equality Group


Genanalytics Ltd

Building the foundations for women returners at Standard Life Aberdeen: A sustainable approach




Borders College

GROW - Gaining Rewards and Opportunities for Work

Scottish Borders

Older workers (those aged 50 and over); Workers experiencing social isolation and loneliness; Workers from a rural area; Workers from an SIMD area


Transport Scotland

Civ Tech Challenge 10 - how to support connections when working remotely


All workers


Clackmannanshire Council


Clackmannanshire Women's Voices





Ceteris (Scotland) Ltd

ClacksWISE 2021   Women into Self-Employment





Alloa Community Enterprises






Capital City Partnership

Women Returners' Listening and Coaching Service



Women; Workers experiencing social isolation and loneliness; Workers who have experienced or suffered domestic abuse



Support for Women in the Rural Economy

Nationwide (Focus on remote and rural areas)

Women; Workers from a rural area


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